Trying to find a home when you're homeless
“A lot of people that are in the situation don’t actually need to be there if the Government can sort these dwellings out. I’d take a house in any condition. I’ve slept on the streets. I’ve slept under a pizza box.”
The Housing and Homeless Crisis in Cork
“It doesn’t make sense to have all the people out on the street when there’s houses there boarded up and they’re sitting there with no function. I’ve walked past bungalows that are boarded up the last 3 years.”
“You find one that’s in your price range and there’s six, seven other people in front of you there and a lot of them have cash in their hand ready to go because they know how hard it is. A lot of them have parents or family that are there behind them. People in our situations don’t have a lot of that support, so we don’t have that option.”
“I slept on friends’ couches for a while and then it got to the point where you use up all the people you can, and d’you know, you start to feel low in yourself then that you’re actually taking this from people who are helping you out and they’re willing to do it, but you can’t live your life like that like”. | “The prices are ridiculous. It’s Cork at the minute; it’s crazy to get anywhere, like. It’s really hard…so many people. Some places literally have five days of viewings. And they say, ‘we’ll get back to you’. You’re waiting around then thinking do I have it or not. I’ve got so many times just refused, just refused”. | “I went to view a house and it was €530 and I got the landlord to bring it down to €510 – 20 euros off. I went to find out about the rent allowance and I said I’ll pay the extra out of my own money and they said, ‘well we can’t do that’. And that’s how I ended up homeless then…I’ve no more hope left over it”. |
“I was out on the pavement for a while and in squats and around with sleeping bags on the street – and it was horrible. I was so tired some nights and I gone away up to a squat, which I got battered in. I’m lucky to be alive.”
Home Truths – Watch the Video
“Half the stuff is from the Government putting brick walls up in front of you when you’re trying to get a place, with rent allowance caps and then landlords as well… it’s, I dunno, it just has me head wrecked to be honest like. It’s very frustrating.”