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50 Faces:

Colette Kelleher was director of Cork Simon for nearly eight years, between 2003 and 2011. She oversaw significant change, including an expansion of housing options for people experiencing homelessness in Cork. Colette reflects on housing needs now and into the future. She also reflects on how amidst change, Cork Simon’s values remain the same.

“I think Cork Simon is an example of Cork at its best and the people of Cork getting together, standing in solidarity with people who are at a low point in their lives.
I often think if any of our children were in a strange place, a city far from home, if they were in distress, you would want them to meet a person that would treat them with decency, dignity and respect, and that is absolutely core to what Cork Simon does.
The ways that we support people who are homeless has changed, but having respect for the person is a fundamental value that was in Cork Simon before my time, during my time and still today.
I think we are very lucky to have Cork Simon; an organisation driven by values which it lives, not just talks about.”

Colette discusses the important role that the state needs to play in addressing the housing crisis...