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50 Faces:

Chrissie Conway has worked with Cork Simon Community for nearly 20 years across a range of different services, but she has always been drawn back to her role in the emergency shelter because of the unique challenges that it brings.

“Cork Simon Community has a massive impact on people’s lives. It is somewhere where they can be heard and where they can be supported to make positive change in their life.
Inside the shelter we strive to offer a place where people are safe, and they are treated with respect and dignity. We understand the challenges that people face when they are out on the street; they may be abused, looked down on, and that has a huge impact on their self-worth, so it’s really important that they’re able to come to a safe place, to be treated with respect.
After 19 years, I’m still very much enjoying my work with the community, being able to see the success stories but also of course being that person there to meet new people who present to the service.”

Chrissie talks about the need for more 'exit plans' from emergency accommodation…